First, I would like to introduce you to this guy:
He lives inside my head between my eyebrows, and starts swinging that damn club around like a maniac everytime I am stressed, (as in, now). My head is throbbing, and I just issued a cease and desist, but as you can see, angry troll doesn't pay much attention to such demands.
I am stressed the eff out because I recieved a cryptic phone message last Thursday from the organization I have been interviewing with. It basically said that they would be contacting me on Friday (last Friday), or very early this week to "discuss my candidacy as well as some other positions at the organization that we feel you may be suited for." GAH! I am very open to options. I would LOVE to work for this organization. I am less open for debate on what constitues "very early" in the week. Thus, angry troll is swinging away in there and I am suffering through the aftermath.
Secondly....can we discuss this for a moment??
I fully admit that saying you are going to see this movie for the storyline is like saying you read Playboy for the articles. I don't care. I fully admit that Friday cannot come soon enough. If this movie was being shown in Imax 3D, it would be even better. As my dear friend Mary (happily married for more than 20 years) likes to say: "There's no harm in window shopping, as long as you don't bring anything into the dressing room to try it on." A-men.
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