Thursday, June 21, 2012


I am a pretty tough cookie overall, not super easily rattled, thick skin, like challenges, etc.  That said, I am a total princess when it comes to acceptable temperature ranges.  I am extremely temperature sensitive. My house needs to be between 68 and 72 degrees or I die. Anything less than 68, and I will be bundled under a blanket wearing mittens, and anything over 72, and I will be naked, covered in sweat, sucking on ice cubes. Outdoor temperature are somewhat more manageable for me, based on wind speed, percipitation, available clothing options, and the like.

Yesterday was a doozie here in NYC. It was 95 degrees with 55% humidity. Like a moron, I took the dog on a walk in the morning, thinking it would be manageable. It was so humid that the rocks were glossy with condensation. Against my better judgement, we completed our normal 5 mile hike, and were ridiculously grateful when we made it back home and into our air conditioned apartment. Not more than 2 hours later, the air conditioning kicked off, and I couldn't get it back on. DAMN! I turned off all the lights in the apartment, turned on both fans, and kept the windows closed to try trap in the cool air. This was a worst case scenario to me.

Then, a bit later, I was checking up on Facebook and saw this status: "It is HOT. That is all."  It was from my friend from elementary school that is currently in Afghanistan. Aaannddd that my friends, is some perspective. The heat in Iraq was described in a book I read (by a Veteran) as getting dressed up in basically a snow suit, packing on 60 extra pounds, getting into a black car in Arizona in the middle of the summer, driving to a parking lot, rolling up all the windows, and turning on the heat. I guess I can be grateful for only 95 degrees, an apartment sheltered from the sun, a few fans, and the ability to contain some cool air.  I love perspective, because it upends my attitude every single time.

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