Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thick Skin

I have a confession:  I am easily frustrated by people that are overly sensitive or have a thin skin. I am not talking about people that are hurt when people are cruel or are unmoved by the struggles of others. For the record, I was a very sensitive and emotional child.  I am still a very compassionate person.  I cry at the ASPCA commercials. I give money to pretty much every homeless person I see. I like babies and flowers and glitter.

BUT, I have also not had everything handed to me in life. I have not been coddled.  I have had to listen to hard truth at times.  And I have one big and important message that I wish everyone could understand:


Sometimes I hate that life isn't fair, but the fact that I hate it won't change it.  So there are 2 choices: whine about how unfair life is, or suck it up and just keep on living...and maybe learn something in the process.

Sometimes people will tell you things that you don't want to hear.
Sometimes an idiot will be your boss.
Sometimes you won't get the pay, or promotion or opportunities that you feel you deserve.
Someone will always be prettier, nicer, funnier, richer, thinner,or  more talented than you are.
Not everyone will want to be your friend.
Other people will cheat or lie to get ahead and at some point, you will likely get thrown under the bus.

Don't take yourself to seriously. 
Don't let anyone else determine your opinion of yourself.
Be good to others, but don't forget to be good to yourself in the process.
Integrity should be placed in high regard.....it's who you are when no one is looking.

I will be the first to admit that I throw semi-regular pity parties for myself.  They usually last no more than 24 hours and include some sort of cake. But you can be damn sure that after 24 hours, I still emerge with my head held high. And this is my wish for everyone.

Now, in an effort to not allow you to think that I am standing up on my ivory tower, here is proof that I am actually in my living room, wearing a gas mask. (Or was just having too much fun with my webcam.)

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